Montreal, Quebec – on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 Montreal in Action’s Policy Analyst Team released an Action Plan addressing the OCPM’s 38 recommendations and the municipal government’s implementation efforts. “We are proud to present this action plan on the one-year anniversary of the OCPM’s report,” said Helen Hayes, one of Montreal in Action’s Policy Analysts. “This plan presents a rigorous policy framework that meaningfully engages with issues of systemic racism in Montreal, and offers a series of pragmatic options for implementation.”
Montreal in Action’s Policy Analyst Team worked for months to prepare the nearly 50-page action plan, and are confident in its ability to re-centre the public consultation in Montreal’s municipal agenda. “We are calling on all mayoral candidates to publicly address both the OCPM report and this action plan, and to support the proposals outlined herein,” stated Antoney Bell. “It is time that our municipal leaders take responsibility for the perpetuation of discrimination and racism in Montreal, and stand behind this action plan to make real change,” echoed Wynn Rederburg.
In discussing the importance of the action plan, Juliana Succès also noted that, “with the municipal election on the horizon, we must demand more of our leaders. It’s time to hear from them about their plans to address the OCPM’s report now and into the future.” This comment stemmed from larger concerns about whether mayoral candidate Denis Coderre would maintain the Bureau Lutte contre le racisme et les discriminations systemiques if he were to win November’s election.
“Given last week’s events in London, Ontario, and the history of politicians reacting rather than acting, we are adamant that this action plan receive attention from municipal candidates and the Commissioner responsible for the fight against racism and systemic discrimination, in order to curb hate crimes, systemic racism, and discrimination at large.” The Policy Analyst Team further requested funding allocation for the action plan in the next municipal budget, stating that they “look forward to speaking with current mayoral candidates to discuss this possibility.”