Audre Lorde, Poet
Image credit: Jack Mitchell / Getty Images
Age, Race, Class and Sex: Women Redefining Difference
Much of Western European history conditions us to see human differences in simplistic opposition to each other: dominant/subordinate, good/bad, up/down, superior/inferior. In a society where the good is defined in terms of profit rather than in terms of human need, there must always be some group of people who, through systematized oppression, can be made to feel surplus, to occupy the place of the dehumanized inferior. Within this society, that group is made up of Black and Third World people, working-class people, older people, and women. Read more.
Anna Borges, Writer
Image credit: Self Magazine
31 Resources That Will Help You Become a Better White Ally
Being an effective white ally to Black people is a continuous process, consisting of both education and action. No matter where we are in the ongoing journey of recognizing our privilege and unlearning harmful behaviors and attitudes, there is always more we can do to fight white supremacy and racial injustice. Important to note: Some of these resources are useful to non-Black people of color as well, but for the purposes of this article, I’m focusing on white allyship. So when I use the first person (we/us/ours) throughout this article, I’m speaking as a white person to other white people. Read more.
Tasha K. Ryals
SHAREABLE “Anti-Racism Resource Guide”.
Readings, podcasts, movies, and more broken down by category for anyone who needs a little direction.
This anti-racist resource guide was crafted amidst the anger of the latest black body turned hashtag #AhmaudArbery. It is consistently being updated to address the current climate of our country and the personal growth needed to sustain this life-long journey… This is just a resource, not a map leading to a destination, but help along the way, a strong start. [Stamping out racism is a] IS LIFE-LONG WORK that we choose to enter into, a journey for an anti-racist traveler that will take a lifetime.